Sunday, March 1, 2009

love geometry and absolute indecisiveness of miss coincidence..

It has been ages, since i last posted something here... and it certainly feels like my blog has been parked somewhere in an abandoned virtual site collecting cyber dust.. so here are the few things ive been swamped with.. first comes my job, which i did remarkably well last month and hopefully it continues till i decide to throw in the towel, then comes the friends ive yet to catch up with.. with reference to the one which has flown to Qatar, my partner in crime Eden. Hope you're doing well there Buddy. My tight gym schedule and the rest of the significant others scattered in Singapore and Malaysia and not to mention those in China and Philippines, you know who you are. I've yet to plan my next meet ups with them.. well good news is im back online! yay! well there are just too many things to tell in one post, too many and too complex that it stays within my pregnant mind waiting to be blurted out.

Anyways, on a more cheerful note, i hit my b-grade last month, which is quite an achievement for a newbie like me. well im sure most of y'all have no clue what creature a b-grade is.. well lemme enlighten you. B-grade is a title given to officers who manages to hit a certain target in sales. well no intention to brag but i closed S$500k sales last month.. for someone who has no background in sales, i guess thats something to shout about. tee hee..

so enough of that.. im planning on a short trip to KL next month.. hopefully i'll get my chance to meet my longlost friends in the deep concrete jungle of KL.

new webbie..

my new website is up... click here to view it ;)


Never in my wildest dream that i'd imagine to see myself working in a banking firm well at least to be doing something apart from which i knew i was born to do. but it all came unexpectedly... and they say opportunity like this wont drop outside your doorstep everyday.. so i took it.. and now im watching numbers flowing down my screen.. digits with value so tremendous that it gets you wondering how great would it be to have this much money in your account.. haha

but im pretty sure that someday i will.. haha and with the right spirit and determination.. everyone can.. ;)

been seeing too many numbers at work. im not even sure if my brain could process alphabets well as it used to.. maybe i should translate these words into numbers.. let's see if you guys manage to crack this one.. :P

365569-843-94483-722248 ;)