Something i came across whilst i was browsing thru. Find it hilarious, have you ever been hit by a guy and getting all this cheesy lines thrown at you?..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The icky factor..
Something i came across whilst i was browsing thru. Find it hilarious, have you ever been hit by a guy and getting all this cheesy lines thrown at you?..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The thrill we all seek..
When life reaches a point of stagnance, there’d be no comeback or clever words that could turn it around to make it sound any cooler than the inevitability of such occurrence. It’s a norm when life gets into a routine of complete mundaneness, one seek the thrill of life that one can get. monotonousness was getting to me, until someone decides to pay us a visit, we sure to have it spruce up again with buckets full of red paints, we'll gear up to hit the town..
May came to visit, being affiliated to the local music industry, she gets all the peeps from the scene to welcome her. With this opportunity, i met the vocalist of Allura, Inch. A petite girl with a voice worth a major record label. Rendezvous set at Home Club, we chilled till morning. too engrossed with the conversation, we almost forgot that the roosters have gone home after the morning cockadoodle doo.. We had fun laughing our heads off to silly talks.
We went for Mumbo Jumbo, boy that was fun. Head down to Republic Polytechnic for a gig which was pretty alright. Wasn’t as hyped as the one back at home but all in all good show.
After listening to their album for quite sometime, it finally grew on me. Being the thoughtful person that she is, May managed to get a hold of their album cd (available only at selected stores).. Exclusively just for me haha it’s the Bittersweet's Perfect match album. Killer tracks that make you go bobbing your head away listening to them. Thanks May for being such a good sport!, and thanks for the t-shirt you brought me (lovin the "Rock Rebel and Pop!" stitches) and the badges and the LV paper bag, sure had me fooled for a while there thinking that i might be getting some LV goods haha.
Friday, July 18, 2008
But that was when I ruled the world..
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Baybeats Baby!..
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Happy 4th of July!..
Thanks to the American Association of Singapore for throwing such an incredible event, the crowd was amazing, people had a great time the performance was beyond inexplicably awesome. Almost everyone had the American flag on 'em. I was truly astounded to see such enthusiasm displayed by the fellow Americans. Many came with their kids and mats waiting to be unrolled on the soft grass, it was like a massive picnic fest but above all, the best thing about the 4th of July, and no you cant celebrate without it, it is the barbecue. All you can eat and find, is barbecue of all sorts.. oh boy it doesnt get any better than this trust me.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Assistant what now?..
Received a text message last night.. boy you're not gonna believe what im about to tell you now.. joseph my director texted me.. this is what he said..
Joseph: Juf (he calls me juf now.. he normally calls me boy.. haha huge step up there..) how familiar are you with AD(Assistant Director) work? might get you to AD for me..
Jufy: well im in no place to say that im extremely good at it.. (haha gimme a break).. but i'll give it a shot..
im ecstatic beyond words..
Monday, July 7, 2008
Make it happen..
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sigur Ros - Glósóli
Með sólinni er hún Og er hún, inni hér
En hvar ert þú....
Legg upp í göngu Og tölti götuna Sé ekk(ert) út Og nota stjörnurnar Sit(ur) endalaust hún Og klifrar svo út.
Glósóli-leg hún Komdu út
Mig vaknar draum-haf Mitt hjartað, slá Ufið hár.
Sturlun við fjar-óð Sem skyldu-skrá.
Og hér ert þú...
Fannst mér.....
Og hér ert þú Glósóli.....
Og hér ert þú Glósóli.....
Og hér ert þú Glósóli.....
Og hér ert þú
Glowing Sun (Bright Sun)
Now that you're awake Everything seems different I look aroundBut there's nothing at all
Put on my shoes, I then find that She is still in her pyjamasThen found in a dream I'm hung by (an) anticlimax
She is with the sunAnd it's out here
But where are you...
Go on a journey And roam the streets Can't see the way out And so use the stars She sits for eternityAnd then climbs out
She's the glowing sun So come out
I awake from a nightmare My heart is beating Out of control…
I've become so used to this crazinessThat it's now compulsory
And here you are...
I'm feeling...
And here you are,Glowing sun...
And here you are,Glowing sun...
And here you are,Glowing sun...
And here you are...
For what its worth..
A colleague had introduced me to a film director in India, who's currently gathering short films to be showcased at a film fest..
Hi Jufy,
its a short film club that happens every month and its called SHAMIAANA. It happens at a hip joint in South Bombay on the 1st Sat. of every month & touchwood is growing very fast:)We plan to have more chapters of SHAMIAANA all over India in the times to come. Could you please send me your short films and I'd love to screen them at SHAMIAANA sometime.Lemme know in case u need any furhter info :)
An opportunity not to be missed..
Friday, July 4, 2008
"There's no such thing as a coincidence"
An excerpt taken from a script joseph(director) had written to which i utter expressively to the girls who came for our audition. We're still getting our potential cast members to play in our featured film which will be realeased sometime next year. Shunyi(producer) and i scouted the whole of zouk for talents and managed to get a hold of some contacts. We surely had a blast that night.. haha
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Sometimes id like to have some sugar in my coffee..
well not that im a caffeine addict or anything just something my colleague said to me whilst waiting for her to finish up with her cig..
pop that bottle of champagne and hand me that bags of chips..
Im proud to announce that this will be my new blog after my old one which i left untouched for ages.. the main purpose of this blog is to showcase some of my works, news and updates which i think worth sharing.