Friday, January 9, 2009
Andy Warhol..
Click here to know more..
p/s i'd go with you Nicco.. if you're willing to sponsor my flight ticket haha
Monday, January 5, 2009
Belated post..
It was my birthday a few days ago, i feel a little over the hill.. haha NOT! and i'd like to thank those who have wished me.
Gill for the lovely pictures you made me, Jane for the drawings on the board and the slides, Kiddy for your e-card (she's environmentally conscious), Ke Xin for the surprises and present, Penny for the cute videos and e-card. Vivian and Maggie for the touching slides ;), and Kelly for the dancing video, Luke for the opening and closing wishes haha that was very sweet of you guys.
and not forgetting my family too for the lovely presents.
Here's a clip of one of the videos Penny, Jufy and Vivian made for me. (noticed the error?) well you're about to find out why.. hehe
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Hugo BOSS..
Met up with Hugo Boss for an appointment the other day and some of you might be wondering why, well its that moment in your life where you feel an abrupt change is necessary to get you closer to what you dream of becoming. Although this change may just be a drastic one, it is undoubtably nothing wishy-washy.
The following is a conversation between me and the fashion director:
BOSS: So why the sudden change of field?..
Jufy: well fashion and art have always been my sole interest, and to be able to phase into fashion will significantly bring a whole new meaning to my ever growing interest in fashion. In designing, ideas are poured into a piece of artwork and handed over to the middle person so ordinarily, a designer will not get the end-say of an output. Handling sales and representing a brand however, will put me as the middle person which obligations are to get the customers heard and their satisfactory fulfilled. Hence, I believe if i can help market these brands, i can market my ideas to the masses someday.
BOSS: Hmm, well i think i have something just for you. It's something along the line of Dolce & Gabbana.
Ever heard of Dsquared before?.. Apparently its big in the States among celebrities... and i heard they're opening one in ION Orchard. hehe
Anyways, my elaboration wasnt really that extensive as above. I just had to add a few words for better reading.
Lets face it, some designs we see.. be it clothing or artworks or anything. they can be quite uniform, quite predictable right from the first glance. Could it be because we design something out of personal preference? or there just isn't any R & D in design. whatever it is, i've yet to find out.
I'm taking baby steps. Hopefully this will help pave my way to my goals..
Friday, January 2, 2009
My late post..
Well 2008 has passed and it feels like everything goes in a blink of an eye, see how fast time passes us by. The only word that can concisely summarize my 2008 would be 'Chaotic' and almost all events transpired contributed to each letter. But of course there were alotta good times too. Made new acquaintances and partner in crime so it wasn't really all that bad.
Last X'mas i made a dedication video for the Students of Lanzhou University of Finance and Economy, China. Well nothing fancy just a short clip of me in a Santa hat uttering some nonsense to some uni kids which i took for some kindergarten young-tykes. haha know your audience Jufy!.. here's a clip of me and a shot of the xmas/new year event which was taken at the school ;)