Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lost & Found..

Go on, hit that ball sweetheart..

The clock struck 11pm as many Singaporeans would put on their PJ's and get ready to count them sheeps.. but it just doesn't work for me.. i'd join those sheeps and leap over that fence with my gear on and get myself some good entertainment. well at least that's how my body works for me..

like gym would even try to stop me.. well it couldn't.. wont let it..

so we (with housemates) played a few games of pool or billiards whichever you kids call it these days. the game ended at 2am with a trophy in my hand.. haha naah that'll come later when i start counting my sheeps.. haha but we were pretty good on that 2 on 2 match. good enough to make one of us restless that night thinking about the match haha. will look forward to his good comeback..

Just as i thought i've lost it completely, as it left no trace in my head where i might have dropped it or chucked it. But to much relief, it came prancing back to me haha the old gentle shopkeeper lady was kind enough to hand it back to me as i was getting my hands on a bread from the shelf.

Shopkeeper: Did you lose something?..

Jufy: (Surprised to know that she can read my mind).. Yes i did..

Shopkeeper: *Testing*.. What color is it?..

Jufy: White! In a leather casing!..

She then took it out from beneath the counter..

I couldn't hold back the excitement.. well you get the picture.. the cheek to cheek grin like someone stuck a hanger in my mouth, like i just found the oasis and trying hard to squeeze a word out but it just wont come out kinda face..

the conversation went on, i was in a not-myself-joyous tone, people were staring, i was so hyped out as if i was on steroids..

*sigh in relief*..

my white PSP..

(OK i may have exaggerated a little bit, but the relief was real!)

On another joyous note, my film has already reached India and will be screened soon at SHAMIANA.. yay on that..

Any of you kids would want to send in your films? holla me up and I'll hit you with the details..